By Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP For the those people who are psychodrama history nerds -- and I mean that in the best possible way-- you should get to know Sergio Guimaraes. Sergio, a psychodramatist and psychologist in Buenos Aires, Brazil, has made and published a number of video interviews about psychodrama. Many are interviews with Zerka Moreno, the grand dame of psychorama and third wife of Dr J.L. Moreno who continued to teach and spread the word about the magic of psychodrama after Moreno's death -- as well as many more videos about psychodrama and the people who direct psychodrama sessions, many of them well-known practitioners and trainers around the world. Sergio's latest project has been what he calls "Retracing J.L. Moreno’s Steps,” visiting Vienna, Austria, and nearby areas including Bad Voslau, where Moreno set up his first medical practice as a young physician. Accompanied by Michael Wieser, an Austrian psychodramatist, Sergio toured and filmed the historic places there and nearby that relate to Moreno and the places that both supported the birth of psychodrama and memorialize the man who created it. Here's a list of his recent videos, all on YouTube and free for the watching: “Vienna: It's All About Having Women at the Café Museum” Watch here. “Vienna: Zerka Comes to Join Moreno at the Café Museum” Watch here. “Vienna by Night: J. L. Moreno at the House of the Encounter” Watch here. “Vienna: the Apartment Where Moreno the Child and Family Lived” Watch here. “Augarten, Where J. L. Moreno Started Playing with Children” Watch here. “Jacob Moreno-Levy Goes to the University of Vienna” Watch here. “Did J. Moreno-Levy Meet with Sigmund Freud Here?” Watch here. “Moreno on April 1st, 1921 in Vienna: The Komödienhaus Is a Supermarket” Watch here. "This Is Where Moreno Started his Theatre of Improvisation" Watch here. At the Café, ‘Oh, My God!’ And Moreno: ‘Someone Called Me?’" Watch here. “On the Train Moreno Used to Take Between Vienna and Bad Vöslau” Watch here. “By Accident, J. Moreno-Levy Got a Job Here, in Bad Vöslau” Watch here. “Moreno’s House on the May Valley: ‘The Roof is Made New’, But… Watch here. “Where Is the Tower? Moreno's House and Surplus Reality” Watch here. “Trying to Get into Moreno's House: What Is the Problem?” Watch here. In Vienna, Visiting the Man Who Brought Joy and Laughter” Watch here. “Also Visiting J. L. Moreno Neighbors at the Cemetery” Watch here. As a trainer, educator and practitioner about psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy, I have long preached that if we aspire to serve as authentic experts and practitioners of a method, we must educate ourselves about the method, its originators and how it developed, not just the methodology. Sergio's videos certainly have given us many treasures in our research and understanding of this amazing method. About Karen
Karen Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, is a nationally board-certified practitioner of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy and the founder and director of the Lancaster School of Psychodrama and Experiential Psychotherapies in Lancaster, You may subscribe to Karen's e-letter here.
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AuthorKaren Carnabucci, LCSW, TEP, is an author, trainer and psychotherapist who promotes, practices and teaches experiential methods including psychodrama, Family and Systemic Constellations, sand tray, mindfulness and Tarot imagery. Archives
January 2025